Home Posts tagged home ownership
Tag: crisis, home ownership, homes, property, real estate, Romania
Romania has 96 percent home ownership rate, the highest in the world
Paul MaiorDec 29, 2018
Romania touts the highest rates of home ownership in world. According to Eurostat data, quoted by the British real-estate agency Property Rescue, 96 percent of Romanians...
Este important sa mentionam si investitia de 250 mii de euro intr-o linie de productie de ...
WAM este cu siguranta un nume care trebuie urmarit in industria jocurilor de noroc! Fondat...
Sunt extrem de impresionat de ceea ce au realizat Daniel Tamas si Alex Rus cu platforma WA...
Oh, wow! Vorbind despre performanta uluitoare a Hidrocentralei Hidroelectrica S.A., nu pot...