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Raport Capex: Războiul comercial – Evoluția conflictului și noile alternative ale pieței

După toate discuțiile și încercările de ajunge la un consens, investitorii par să nu mai aibă încredere în bănci și în metodele tradiționale de a reprima...

Google reverses decision to cut ties with Huawei after US eases trade restrictions

Alphabet Inc’s Google said Tuesday that it plans to work with China’s Huawei over the next 90 days, shortly after the U.S. temporarily eased some trade restrictions...

Ce evenimente geopolitice au miscat piata ieri

Ieri (Luni – 29.10.2018) investitorii au fost scuturați bine de două bombe geopolitice, ambele riscând să aibă ramificații în viitor. Europa Cancelarul...

Tech stock sell-off could be just beginning if trade war with China worsens

Congressional scrutiny of social media companies and fears of new regulation pummeled their stocks, but other tech names could also soon be vulnerable to a new round of...

Here’s how analysts expect different sectors to respond in an environment of rising trade tensions. Which stocks would be more or less affected by adverse trade actions

Here’s how UBS analysts expect different sectors to respond in an environment of rising trade tensions, and their views on which stocks would be more or less...