Tag: astrology, etoro.com, investing, investors, risk, zodiac
What does your star sign say about your investing approach? eToro platform data shows Scorpios are most cautious while Libras flock to luxury fashion
Paul MaiorDec 01, 2023
What does your star sign say about your investing approach? eToro platform data shows Scorpios are most cautious while Libras flock to luxury fashion Typically tenacious...
Commission-free stock trading is now live for Metal customers
Paul MaiorAug 10, 2019
Investing in the stock market has notoriously been expensive, complicated and inaccessible for a lot of people. So, about a year ago, we transparently announced our...
6 reasons to invest in your 20s (when all you want to do is spend)
Paul MaiorNov 30, 2018
You’ve probably heard this a thousand times. If you aren’t investing yet, you should start soon. The truth is, you should have already started. When all you want to...
Strategii de investitii: Value investing versus Growth investing
Andrei ElvediOct 15, 2018
De la facerea Universului până în prezent circulă 2 curente care nasc certuri printre investitori. Cam ca echipele de fotbal. Acestea sunt value și growth. Când...
Este important sa mentionam si investitia de 250 mii de euro intr-o linie de productie de ...
WAM este cu siguranta un nume care trebuie urmarit in industria jocurilor de noroc! Fondat...
Sunt extrem de impresionat de ceea ce au realizat Daniel Tamas si Alex Rus cu platforma WA...
Oh, wow! Vorbind despre performanta uluitoare a Hidrocentralei Hidroelectrica S.A., nu pot...