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IBM a anunțat un salt în tehnologie: microprocesoarele pe 2 nanometri vor face pe viitor ca bateria smartphone-urilor să țină de patru ori mai mult

IBM a anunțat că a dezvoltat procesoare pe tehnologia de 2 nanometri, ceea ce înseamnă că în câțiva ani acestea vor fi prezente pe diverse terminale care vor...

IBM jumps 5% after earnings beat

IBM shares rose 5 percent after the company reported better-than-expected fourth-quarter results on Tuesday. Executives will discuss results with analysts on a...

Here are some fun facts about IBM wich will report earnings 22.01.2019 after market close.

IBM, or International Business Machines, perhaps the oldest tech company in existence, is about to report earnings 22.01.2019 after market close. International Business...

The biggest software acquisition in history ?

In 1994, a computer science grad from Carnegie Mellon published a new project: A Linux distribution he dubbed “Red Hat.” Twenty-four years later, Marc Ewing’s...

IBM falls after revenue misses

IBM stock fell as much as 3 percent on Tuesday after the company reported earnings for its fiscal third quarter. The company will discuss the results with analysts on a...

Actiunile din SUA care s-ar putea prabusi dupa discursul protectionist al lui Trump

Discursul de inaugurare al lui de pe 20 ianuarie ar putea fi rezumat în câteva cuvinte: ”Voi pune America pe primul loc”. ”Protecţia va duce la prosperitate şi...