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TOP 10 companii din lume după capitalizarea bursieră (ianuarie 2020)

Grupul petrolier saudit Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Co.) listat la bursa Tadawul din Riad, sub simbolul “2222” şi companiile americane de tehnologie Apple şi...

Google intră pe piața de banking

Google este cea mai recentă companie de tehnologie care face o mișcare către serviciile financiare bancare. Compania se pregătește să ofere conturi curente, în...

Google reverses decision to cut ties with Huawei after US eases trade restrictions

Alphabet Inc’s Google said Tuesday that it plans to work with China’s Huawei over the next 90 days, shortly after the U.S. temporarily eased some trade restrictions...

Raport XTB: Printre acţiunile străine preferate de români sunt AMD, Amazon, Google, Aurora Cannabis

Oferta brokerului XTB a fost diversificată prin introducerea a peste 2.000 de acţiuni şi ETF-uri clasice, instrumente cu deţinere, la 16 dintre cele mai mari burse...

Google is reportedly planning to launch a ‘Netflix for games’ service that could turn the $140 billion industry on its head

Google will unveil new gaming hardware in a keynote speech at a major video game conference next month, 9to5Google reported, taking on traditional players in the...

Alphabet beats on earnings and revenue, but stock drops after hours

Traffic acquisition costs as a percent of advertising revenue came in at 23 percent, matching analyst estimates and falling right in line with previous quarters....

Unde recomandă analiştii să vă ţineţi banii în piaţa hi-tech în 2019

Chiar şi cele mai iubite companii îşi pot pierde strălucirea. Giganţii hi-tech listaţi la bursă, începând cu giganţii din social media şi până la...

Criptomonedele, mai performante decât acțiunile FANG

În ciuda trendului descendent din 2018, criptomonedele de top au înregistrat evoluții semnificativ mai bune decât acțiunile “FAANG” (Facebook, Apple, Amazon,...

Tech’s popular ‘FAANG’ stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

The five “FAANG” stocks have collectively lost more than $1 trillion in value from recent highs as of Monday’s close and are set to lose even more on...

Google is shutting down Google+ for consumers following security lapse

Google is going to shut down the consumer version of Google+ over the next 10 months, the company writes in a blog post today. The decision follows the revelation of a...